Zero To PM
A curated library of 150+ links to product management related resources - articles, videos, twitter threads, webinars etc.
Are you a product enthusiast wanting to get into Product Management or simply need a refresher? This is your place to be...
Product Management 101: The Basics
Product management is an interdisciplinary function in an organization responsible for building products that solve real customer problems with solutions that fit within the organization's strategy thus helping increase profitability.
Here is a bunch of resources that will help you understand in detail what the Product Management function encompasses -
Minimum Viable Product - MVP
Minimum Viable Product is a concept popularized by Eric Ries of The Lean Startup that implies the simplest usable version of the product that has just enough features to satisfy customer needs and collect valuable feedback from early customers with the least amount of effort.
Take a deep dive into the nuances of Minimum Viable Product with great resources by product leaders here -
Product Market Fit - PMF
Marc Andreesen defines Product Market Fit as "Being in a good market with a product that can satisfy the needs of the market". Achieving PMF is like getting a thumbs-up from your customers. It is the stage where you've identified the target customer and have the right product to serve their needs.
Here is a collection of the best resources on the ever elusive PMF and how to achieve/measure it -
Market Research & Customer Development
Market Research is a deliberate attempt to learn more about the target customers, assess the size of the market and identify viable business opportunities. Customer development is an approach focused on identifying the pain points and problems of your target market.
Here is a collection of articles and videos to help you understand market sizing and customer development methods -
Product Pricing Strategy
An important part of the product strategy, a good pricing strategy secures profitability and business success.Get it wrong and run into the risk of permanenty damaging your product's and business's reputation.
Get your product pricing right by learning the nuances of pricing using these resources -
Product Strategy & Go-To-Market Strategy
Product strategy is a high level vision of what a business hopes to achieve with its products and how it plans to do so. It describes how and who the product will create a value for and benefit the business at the same time. Go-To-Market strategy is the plan of activities that need to be completed to bring a product to your target market in a way that it achieves maximum impact.
Refer to these resources to understand the importance of a winning product strategy and GTM strategy -
Roadmaps & Prioritization
A product roadmap is a plan for executing your product strategy.It describes the efforts and timeline for the features and enhancements that align with your strategy and are going to help you achieve your business objectives.
Up your roadmapping game with these knowledge mine of roadmapping techniques from amazing product leaders -
Product Metrics
Tracking the right product metrics is crucial to improving the product and fueling innovation. Product Metrics are key data points that help businesses track and evaluate the success of the products.
Use these resources to better understand what product metrics are and which ones are most important for your product and business -
Becoming a Product Leader
The best PMs - or 10x PMs - don't simply deliver features and enhancements. They act as Product Leaders . Product Leaders are not only focused on high leverage activities but also enable others to identify and work on high leverage activities in their respective roles thus maximizing the impact to company/product mission.
Here are some resources to help you up your ante in your product management career -
Product Leaders to follow
There are amazing product leaders who share their product management experiences and learnings on Twitter. Following them is a great way to learn from their experiences and become acquainted with their perspectives and product mindset.
Follow these product folks on Twitter and stay up-to-date with amazing product management related content -
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